Here are some songs that our worship team enjoys: GCC Music Playlist

There is something for everyone.
- Adult Sunday School Class: 8:45 – 9:30.
- Middle School/High School Sunday School Class: 9:15 – 9:45.
- Community Group with Myrna: 8:45 – 9:45
- Meet with friends in the Fellowship Hall before and after service.
- One Church Service every Sunday. Starts at 10:00.
- Nursery available for infants to age 2 years old. Downstairs and to the right in the education wing.
- Baby Center. Soundproof room available for parents who need to step away to tend to their babies or toddlers. Talk to welcome greeters or follow signs in coat room.
- Children’s Church is dismissed during the worship time. For children 3 yrs. old – 6th grade. There are 4 different classes, held during the 10:00 service. See sign up in corner of Fellowship Hall.
- Cookie time in Fellowship Hall right after service.