Meet our Leaders
Senior Pastor at Grangeville Christian Church
Please pray for Pastor Dave and his family as they make their move to serve the Lord back in Kansas. May the Lord continue to bless you and those around you, Dave and Dee!
Gunner Jordan
Elder at GCC
I started going to church, the church my parents help start, at an early age of 5 or 6. I grew up in that small town, tiny church. I went to Sunday School, VBS, and youth group in that church. I even started to serve communion there when I was like 12 years old. My college and young adult years were spent going home to Meeker on the weekends and still attending Meeker Christian Church. When my parents moved to Grangeville I followed them, and we joined GCC. At GCC I’ve grown in my walk with Christ by teaching Sunday School, teaching at VBS, and helping with other deacon responsibilities. All of this and being married to a faithful Christian woman has led me to this eldership.
Favorite Verses: Ephesians 2:10 & Titis 2:10b
Hobbies: I’m a car guy who’s into his grandkids.
Favorite Foods: Meat lover’s pizza.
Music: 80’s Rock (like Journey). Mercy Me. For King and Country.
Favorite Movies: Star Wars: A New Hope.
Todd Bledsoe
Elder at GCC. Worship Team Member.
Luci Bowen
Administrative Ministry Assistant and Worship Team Member
A PNW kid raised in Yakima, WA.
My favorite Bible verses: Psalms 62: 5-6, Lamentations 3:21-23, Deuteronomy 31:6, James 4:8
Hobbies: Seahawks Football! Collecting rocks and crystals.
Favorite foods: Mexican and Chinese food make me happy.
Music: Anything but Opera and Rap music.
Movies: RomCom and Fantasy.
Stephanie Jordan
Church Administrator; Director/Teacher of Noah’s Ark Preschool
I have been blessed to be married to my husband Eric of seventeen years. Anyone who would take on four children, a dog, two cats and a mortgage is a brave soul; did I mention three of those kids were teenage BOYS at the time? They are grown, married and we have eleven of the most precious grandchildren ever. A few of my favorite words are Wife, Mom and Nana. I love my family at G.C.C. as well.
Favorite Foods: most everything but I really enjoy a good latte
Favorite Verse: Proverbs 3:5&6
Favorite Music: I like it all, well, except opera.
Favorite Movies: The Winter People, Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and anything that has John Wayne in it. I’m a huge John Wayne fan.
Krystal Zohner
Ministry Assistant: Adventure Club Coordinator and Custodian
We have lived all over Montana and Idaho. We moved to Grangeville when my smokejumper husband got transferred over for work in 2020. I get to stay home with our kiddos and serve at the church, usually with them in tow!
My favorite Bible verses: Ephesians 1:18-19 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe!
Hobbies: Hiking, backpacking, playing at the river, refurbishing old things, crafts with my kiddos, and learning all I can about house building!
Favorite foods: Ice cream and s’mores and blended coffee!!
Music: It changes a lot! The majority of time you can catch me listening to “Jesus music” as my kids call it. I love Crowder, Mac Powell, Toby Mac, Phil Wickham, Zach Williams, Petra, Whitecross….and the list goes on!
Movies: Ever After, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.