GCC missions are supported through a percentage of monthly giving of GCC’s tithes and offerings. The mission team meets regularly to communicate with our mission partners, pray for their needs, and praise God for their successes. Contact Cindy Hall for more information.
Our Mission Partners include:
Boise Bible College. Boisebible.edu BBC has been around for 73 years. They were founded to equip servant leaders who build up the church to advance the gospel worldwide. GCC has supported the college for over 40 years. We offer scholarships to church members who attend the college.
Milligan University Emmanuel Christian Seminary. ecs.milligan.edu This college is for students who wish to complete undergraduate degrees and Master of Divinity and who are preparing themselves for effective ministry.

Eden Village in Dome, Zimbabwe. (Kevin and Susan Fry) eden-ministries.org The primary mission of Eden revolves around caring for the AIDS children in a holistic fashion. They provide a home for the children, a school, a farm that produces a large amount of their needs, and a medical clinic. To sponsor a child for $40 per month or to learn more, go to their website.
ALACCA in Harpster. (Johny and Bailey Schuster) alacca.org The ALACCA camp is located along the Southfork of the Clearwater River. It offers Christ-centered camps and retreats throughout the year. GCC Missions provides scholarships to our church members, so if you are interested in attending one of these camps, please inquire about scholarships.

Oregon Christian Evangelistic Fellowship. (Bob and Sherri Wood) ocefchurchplanters.com The mission of OCEF is to assist churches and fellow followers in Jesus to carry out the mission of Christ. Church planting is the main focus. They also assist in rebuilding churches to keep their doors from closing. Bob is the Executive Director for this ministry, and a former pastor of GCC.
Christian Retirement Village in Boise. Boisechristianhomes.org This is a retirement home with affordable housing for servants in Christ. They provide many of the typical activities of a retirement home.
Korea Christian Gospel Mission in South Korea. kcgm.org This orphanage was started by Dr. Chae and his wife almost 60 years ago. Dr. Chae, who visited Grangeville several times, challenged many of us at GCC to continue this ministry for “his” children, all with God’s help. Dr. Chae’s son, John, and his daughter-in-law are now in charge of the orphanage. Our support goes to assist the needs of the children. The support for this mission comes from love offerings (not from the percentage as other missions). You can specifically designate for this mission. You can email John: [email protected]